LAHORE: Announcing 11-point election manifesto to safeguard Pakistan against corruption, abuse of power and injustice, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan urged the nation on Sunday to stand by him in the struggle to materialise the dream of “one Pakistan”.“Whenever I gave a call, you never disappointed me. Therefore, today I pledge that I’ll stand by the nation till the last drop of blood in my body,” said the PTI chairman while addressing a big public gathering at Greater Iqbal Park here.He told the crowed that “it was time to think big, time to change their destiny and time to build a new Pakistan.”Talking of menace of corruption in the country, the PTI chairman asked the crowed if they ever heard that any party expelled its parliamentarians over corruption. “But I expelled 20 MPAs of my party over corruption,” he added. “They swore on holy book (about their innocence), but you come to me and I will show you they country (currency) notes.”Senior party leaders including Vice...
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