RAJANPUR/BAHAWALPUR: Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Wednesday said disgruntled PML-N leader Chaudhry Nisar was previously former prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s friend, not his.“Nisar was Mian Sahab’s friend and my opponent,” said Shahbaz, who is also the PML-N president, and added, “I am talking about 1988.” He was talking to media after inaugurating the project under which DHQ Hospital Ranjanpur has been revamped, reported Geo News.Further speaking about the relationship between him and Nisar back then, Shahbaz said, “He used to constantly complain about me to Mian Sahab.” “If I have ever been scolded by Mian Sahab, it is because of Nisar,” he said, adding, “Our relationship was bitter for some time and then eventually we became friends.”Stating that Nisar is ‘immature’, Shahbaz shared, “He needs to be dealt with like a child and we keep trying to pacify him and resolve any issues.” When asked if he will succeed in convincing Nisar to put his differences aside this time round, the chief minister answered, “God willingly.”Later in the day, Shahbaz reached Bahawalpur where he inaugurated the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences costing Rs 2.94 billion, Cardiac Centre at Bahawal Victoria Hospital (BVH), E-Khidmat Markaz and Drug Testing Laboratory.Addressing a gathering of party workers, doctors, nurses and students at the Quaid-e-Azam Medical College auditorium, he said Imran Khan Niazi was lying even in the holy month of Ramazan and the people would punish him in forthcoming general election by the power of their votes.The PML-N president said his government had completed billions of rupees development project in Bahawalpur, particularly in health sector, while Mr Niazi destroyed the health and education infrastructure of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The PTI-led government failed to build a single purpose-build hospital or educational institution in the province, he added.Shahbaz said the PML-N-led Punjab government had built a state-of-the-art Cardiac Centre at BVM Hospital at a cost Rs 1.7 billion, which would provide international standard services to the patients. He also claimed that the drug testing laboratory was the best in the world.Mentioning the dearth of cardiac surgeons in Pakistan and particularly at Quaid-e-Azam medical College, he said although his government had spent billions of rupees on health projects in Bahawalpur, an expert cardiac surgeon was not available; however, he would buy three special planes for expert cardiac surgeons who had to fly to different cities to provide their services.Earlier on his arrival amid tight security, the PML-N gave him a rousing welcome as they chanted "Sher Aya Sher Aya”.
from The News International - National https://ift.tt/2sm0TI4
from The News International - National https://ift.tt/2sm0TI4
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